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Challenge Ladder Rules:              

1) You must participate in at least two challenge matches per semester to maintain your ladder position (Being challenged and challenging someone else both count as a challenge). Failure to do so results in removal from the ladder.


2)Everyone gets ONE wildcard for the year. This means that every player will have one opportunity to challenge anyone on the ladder. If you win your match, you take that player’s spot on the ladder and the ladder shifts down. After you use your wildcard (or if you wish to save your wildcard for later in the year), you will be allowed to challenge 2 ahead of your current number. So if I am number 10, I can challenge either number 9 or number 8.


3) If "Person A" wishes to challenge "Person B", "Person A" will email "Person B" declaring the challenge. "Person B" will then have 10 DAYS from when the email is sent to accept and play the match. If the match cannot be played, "Person B" will receive a strike. If you receive 2 strikes, you will be placed at the bottom of the ladder.


4)The challenger must provide a new can of tennis balls. The format for challenges is best 2 out 3 sets with a 10 point tiebreak played in lieu of a 3rd set. Alternate formats may be used if both players agree.


5) You may play as many challenge matches you want throughout the year, but you may only challenge the same person a max of 3 times. When a challenge match is complete, please email or text an officer so that we can update the ladder.


6) Remember you must also attend at least 1/2 of practices to be eligible to travel to matches and tournaments.


To view the current ladder, click here




Challenge Ladder 

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